This topic contains 10 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Sewok15 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #46777

    Professor Rozay

    After this season it is hard for me to believe that the Celtics are going to be in the championship hunt. They are not getting out of the second round this year. They have been trying to part ways with Rondo for years(not really sure why). So I have to believe that after this season they are going to be in rebuilding mode.

    So what should the Celtics do during the off season?

  • #749975


    Rondo (turns 27 today) has two more years on his deal as does Brandon Bass (also age 27). Jordan Crawford (24) has another year and a QO. Courtney Lee (27) and Jeff Green (26) have three more years after this one. Sullinger (20) and Melo (22) have three more years (assuming their option years are picked up) and a QO. They have seven young players in their mix for years to come. What do you think rebuilding looks like? If Boston cannot get players who are younger and better than the ones already in their mix, then what is the point to trading Garnett, Pierce, or Terry? At that point, all they are doing is losing, and it is hard to look at this draft and find more than 5-7 guys who have more promise than the young guys already on that roster. The choice then becomes, does Boston want their young players to learn while competing at a high level or while being Cleveland East?

  • #749998

    Meditated States

    Playing playoff ball. You never willingly suck especially when a weak draft is coming. That’s how you get fired with impatient fans and media. You cant put much stock in draft position either as C’s got screwed on Tim Duncan so ping pong balls will set you back. They are moving forward with a fairly young squad. If better deals for the veterans come in off season make them but the deals offered were trash. What did Deandre Jordan put up last night? 2 pts 1 reb. Rather have an older KG. Maybe Rondo comes back and they have a good more experienced team from a playoff run. Maybe they get a good offer and make a deal. Danny was smart.

  • #750006


    They most likely made the right move not trading anybody but they aren’t getting out of the FIRST round. They are likely to match up against Indiana, NY or Miami. All those series sounds like a loss to me. They should certainly consider making moves with the aging core in the off-season but I doubt anyone will give them anything too great considering the age and miles those guys have. The only player with real trade value is Rondo who is coming off an acl and has a decent contract. They need to decide if they want to build around him or start all over. If they can get a potential lottery pick in the 2014 they should do it because the talent is much greater than this years. I think it could be another long rebuilding process in Boston.

  • #750063

    Meditated States

    Have already rebuilt. They only have 3 old guys. Terry,PP,KG.

  • #750066


    They added some young pieces but I wouldn’t call it rebuilding. Of the guys on the roster I would say Green, Bradley and Rondo are the only starting quality players they have. Crawford could be a decent 6th man but I think his shot selection will hold him back. I am not sold on Sullinger or Melo as starting big men going forward. Bass is a good role player but nothing special. Courtney Lee isn’t going to give any opposing coaches nightmares either.

    If Boston wants to rebuild to a team that can compete for a title and not just the 8th spot in the playoffs they will need to get at least another all star quality big man..and that is not easy to do.

  • #750130


    they’re two games away from the 5th seed, if they face atlanta, chicago or brooklyn, there’s alot of chances they can win those series..

  • #750134


    Boston already knew they would not have cap space this summer or even next so they have decided to try and compliment what they have already got. Fans talk about them only being a play off team but remember only 6 years ago they were a top 5 lottery team so they have no real desire to go back there.

    Play-offs equal income and if they can avoid Miami they can still win a series or two over the next few years and the possibility of 6 or 7 home play off games per year generates significant income. They stay under cap, conserve income and can then chase a top FA in a couple of years and get in a position to pay a bit of tax to try and make a real run at the title again.

  • #750143

    Meditated States

    That’s how you GM

  • #750190

    Mr. HookShot

    The Spurs set the example, be competitive and rebuild at the same time, with older players (Duncan, Manu), younger players (Leonard, and to a lesser amount Splitter/Green) and players in their prime (Parker). Boston should and could do the same with older players (Pierce, KG), younger players (Crawford, Bradley, Sullinger) and players in their prime (Green, Rondo).
    Players improve more in a winning organization/situation, so they should hunt for this years play-offs and learn as much as possible (perhaps even upsetting in the first round, they are more than capable to win a play-off serie).

    • #750196


      Comparing San Antonio and Boston is good in principal but the numbers don’t add up. The Spurs are 44-13 and have the best record in the league. The Celtics are 3 games above .500 and fighting just to make the playoffs in a weaker conference. They have been on the decline every year since they won the title when the big 3 first came together.

      In the last 20+ years the Spurs have shown themselves to be an organization that knows how to win at a high level. They have only missed the playoffs once since the 1990’s began. They have won 50 games every year outside of 1997 and the lockout shortened season of 1999 when they cruised to the title only losing 2 playoff games. They even won 50 of 66 games in last years shortened season.

      During that span the Celtics missed the playoffs nine times. They haven’t been known to draft and develop players like San Antonio. The only success they had was bringing in two hall of famers to play next to Paul Pierce. Doc Rivers could be looking to take some time off in the future. I think their best bet at being able to compete for a title within the next 10 years is to blow it up.

      If you look at the league Superstars are what wins multiple titles. They have Rondo who is a bordlerline superstar but doesn’t seem like a guy who can be the best player on a championship caliber team. I would move everybody and amass picks and cap space. Keep some of the younger pieces like Green and Bradley but I would fear being stuck in mediocrity like much of the league is. That shouldn’t be good enough in Boston and it is a shame that blowing it up and taking your lumps and getting good draft position is the best way to compete down the road…but it is.

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